by Paisley Communication | Jul 23, 2019 | Intercultural Training
You know how some people get offended by directness? And others get annoyed when people don’t actually say what they really mean? And have you ever wondered why that is? Some of my trainees really appreciate the space I create for them my in intercultural sessions....
by Paisley Communication | Mar 1, 2019 | Language
But it’s übercool….. Are you one of many parents out there bringing up kids bi- or trilingually? Are you sick of parents of monolingual kids telling you “Wow, your kids are so lucky” whilst you trawl through Maths in another language when you actually...
by Paisley Communication | Feb 3, 2019 | Intercultural Training
Why training intercultural competences is vital in today’s working world Travelling abroad is the number one stop for getting out of your comfort zone and learning is guaranteed. Doing business abroad is similar, but working across countries is not an easy feat at...
by Paisley Communication | Nov 19, 2018 | Intercultural Training
The art of painless relocation Although there is currently talk of a reduction in the number of international assignments available to employees, which means less relocation, there are still many reasons why people move to another country. It is often more effective...