Master Cultural Intelligence: Leading diverse teams to success
Enhance your leadership capabilities with cultural intelligence training. Learn how to communicate, build trust, and manage diverse teams effectively in today’s interconnected world.
What is Cultural Intelligence and how can it help you?
Cultural Intelligence (CQ) is a cognitive competency that enables people to adapt their behaviour to different cultural norms, preferences, and styles. It can help people communicate, build trust, and form partnerships across cultures and multicultural domestic teams.
Managers leading with Cultural Intelligence can anticipate and notice things that other managers can’t. This is vital in today’s globally interconnected world. Leaders with global mindsets can shape the world holistically, spot opportunities and identify risks.
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What will you learn in this training?
- You will develop the skills and knowledge required to lead a diverse team.
- You will be able to reduce miscommunication and misunderstandings in a cross-cultural context and help improve your team performance.
- You will learn how to succeed leading across cultures and create synergy from the diversity in your team!
The international manager reconciles cultural dilemmas.
Globally speaking we are all connected these days, but do we all have a global mindset?
Cultural Intelligence learning objectives
Understanding culture
We will dive deep into how culture impacts you as a manager, reflecting on how culture overlaps with business. Through understanding your own culture and values, you can then start to observe the behaviours and communication styles of other cultures. This will empower you as a leader to become a cultural bridge builder, with the ultimate goal of reducing the number of misunderstandings and missed opportunities of success when managing internationally.
Practical tools
You will learn about different dimensions of culture and how working styles overlap or differ from your own style of working and communication style. You will develop cultural agility in terms of your behaviour and communication, practising with real-life examples that regularly cause misunderstandings and delays when leading global teams.
Excel & advance your Cultural Intelligence
You will learn how to lead successfully in diverse environments & improve your performance through developing your “push & pull” competencies. We will look at why being flexible and building rapport with others is important (pull), but how being focused on goals and maintaining inner purpose (push) will keep you on track!
Who is this training for?
This 4-hour training (online in two parts) is interactive and suitable for managers leading international teams, either in person or remotely.
It can also be delivered in an extended group format for global leaders and divided into shorter sessions.
Master Cultural Intelligence today
As part of this training participants will receive a free CQ toolbox for developing their Cultural Intelligence.