by Paisley Communication | Feb 20, 2023 | Communication skills, English training, Intercultural Training, Language, Team-building
Introduction An international workforce presents a potpourri of opportunities and challenges. Teams are global, often working remotely, and each company has a certain level of company-speak that all employees need to be familiar with. Maintaining clear lines of...
by Paisley Communication | May 26, 2021 | English training
English is my mother tongue, and I am always amazed how many people around the world study something other than languages, build a career and work in that profession in English at the same time. I would wish that everyone could have the opportunity to carry out their...
by Paisley Communication | Feb 8, 2021 | Language
Working internationally means communicating with and managing multicultural employees. It can be complex and you need to be culturally and linguistically fit. Sometimes it is said that the native speakers of English are at an advantage in international environments as...
by Paisley Communication | Mar 1, 2019 | Language
But it’s übercool….. Are you one of many parents out there bringing up kids bi- or trilingually? Are you sick of parents of monolingual kids telling you “Wow, your kids are so lucky” whilst you trawl through Maths in another language when you actually...